Titanfall / Light Painting

The moment I got the Titanfall collectors edition I began seeing the model as a potential subject for light painting.   Google defines light painting as below.

Light painting is a photographic technique in which exposures are made by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera. The term light painting also encompasses images lit from outside the frame with hand-held light sources.

When I do light painting pictures I typically use a large high beam light something like a large spotlight.  The size of the flashlight will depend on the size of the subject.  In this case I used a small pocket flashlight because my subject was a 18″ tall plastic model.

I did not use the flashlight bare, meaning I did not use the direct open light.  To control the light I used a black foil that was shaped and taped around the light beam.
For this work I used a DSLR the Nikon D300.  For the exposure I used ISO 200, F18, and a 30 second exposure.  The room used for this work was completely black there was no outside light sources.  Opening the shutter I used the flashlight to highlight the areas I want exposed.  The lighting from the model was turned on only seconds before the shutter clicked as it was a very bright light source.  As you can guess this was trial and error process.  You can do this same technique on live models as well.  I would love to explore this technique with some of the cosplayers I met at WonderCon.
This technique has several possibilities including live models, outdoor scenes, miniature sets, etc..  The possibilities can go on it’s up to your imagination on how far it goes.  I will try and do a monthly light painting assignment to give you some ideas.   Enjoy the rest of my images of:
James Rulison